From the ballot box to political manager’s seat: How are Iranian political managers trained?

In a roundtable hosted by the GPTT Center of Political and Parliamentary Studies on June 23, two political experts discussed the challenges of training political managers in Iran. Dr. Parviz Amini, an assistant professor at Shahed University maintained that Iran is in a “vacuum” of professional politicians. The training of Iranian political managers takes place in the center of the political matter; Because a person in the center of the political matter deciphers it and so, interests and contradictions are revealed. According to him, democracy allows governance to improve, however, if one does not feel that it can be improved, he or she would not bother himself or herself to vote for any candidate. So, the ballot box cannot make things better per se. Also, Dr. Ali Sarzaeem, an assistant professor of ECO Insurance Higher Education Institution of Allameh Tabataba’i University observed that after the Iranian Islamic revolution, the political arena became narrower day by day to the point that the president is considered an “executive director” rather than a political figure. He pointed out that the famous phrase “I am not a member of any party” is actually “bad,” since it means that one does not want to have a position. However, he or she “should have a position.” In fact, partisanship is considered an undesirable thing in the Iranian society. He also warned that many of the Iranian MPs are non-political people who seek nothing but “personal interests.”

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