
The Governance and Policy Think Tank (GPTT) is a non-partisan, non-governmental think tank affiliated with Sharif University of Technology (SUT), the top-ranked university in Iran, founded by the late Professor Reza RoostaAzad, the former President of Sharif University in 2015. 

Domestically, the think tank aims in studying and improving the governance institutions and policymaking processes in Iran. At the GPTT, we conduct research, brief relevant policymakers, present regularly in media, inform publics, form policy coalitions, and provide policy proposals across a wide range of socio-political and policy domains, including Political Economy, Multi-Level Governance, Communications and Media Policy, Public Sector Reform, Regulatory Governance, Political and Parliamentary Studies, Digital Governance, and International Relations.

Internationally, GPTT’s work is framed by the concept of Intellectual Diplomacy through exchanging with counterpart Think tanks, academia, and professional journalists in targeted countries. GPTT officially collaborates with more than 35 think tanks across the globe, creates a growing network of almost 1200 policy experts, conducts Chatham House-ruled dialogues, and regularly represents an Iranian independent perspective in international media outlets and policy forums.

About us


Governance and Policy Think Tank (GPTT) was founded in 2015 as a university-affiliated think tank, in relation with Sharif University of Technology as the first ranked technical university domesticlly as well as the most prestigious Iranian university internationally. What differentiates GPTT from most other university-affiliated think tanks is its practical, apolitical and evidence-based approach towards policy and governance issues. The thinktank conducts research on and provides policy proposals for a wide range of socio-political and policy domains including, but by no means limited to,Political Economy, Multi-Level Governance, Communications and Media Policy, Administration and Public Sector Reform, Regulatory Governance, Political and Parliamentary Studies, Digital Governance, as well as International Affairs.

Given its rich interdisciplinary and internationally oriented body of experts, GPTT has managed to emerge, as an interface between academic research centers and policy circles. It has also played an important role in coordinating efforts between policymaking institutions inside Iran and various international organizations such as the World Bank and the IMF on policy issues pertaining Iran. Furthermore, GPTT has signed MoUs with, or has been in mutual collaborations with a number of international academic and policy.